The Wise Men Traveled from Afar

The Wise Men Traveled works with several other L M (Long Meter) tunes. However, I wrote it with this particular melody in mind. The only downside is that When Christ’s Appearing Was Made Known, an Epiphany hymn in Lutheran Worship, uses the same music. Other hymns in various hymnals, including On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry, are also set to Puer Nobis.
The Wise Men Traveled from Afar
Text by Walter P. Snyder, 1957–
St. Matthew 2:1–12
Suggested tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur
- The Wise Men traveled from afar
To worship Him who, by a star,
Was shown to be the Royal Son —
King David’s Heir, Anointed One. - A Child they found in Bethlehem,
By Holy Ghost conceived, yet man:
The Father’s Son in flesh and blood
Was fully man and fully God. - Their incense honored Deity
And gold was gift to royalty;
While myrrh foreshadowed death and grave
As sinful men He came to save. - Yet tomb was not His final end;
He rose — our Wisdom, Savior, Friend.
The Morning Star still beams His light
And scatters Satan’s gloomy night. - Salvation, pardon, life, and health —
Richness beyond all earthly wealth —
Through Word and water, body, blood,
Christ gives these gifts of highest good. - To God the Father and the Son,
With Holy Ghost forever One,
Be honor, glory, hymns of praise
By men and angels ever raised.
— W. P. Snyder © 2004
May not be used or reproduced without permission
Ask the Pastor includes additional commentary regarding the young Christ Child’s distinguished visitors. If interested, please see Unbiblical Christmas Carols, Jesus and the Wise Men, and Names of the Magi.
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