Sermon: Palm Sunday A (Psalm)
13 April AD 2014
The Sunday of the Passion
Title: The Gate of the Lord (MP3 Audio)
Summary: Such a wild celebration! Jerusalem echoed the Psalmist, crying out, “Hosanna — save now!” and, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” as Jesus rode through the city gates.
In a few short days, He would be walking out another of Jerusalem’s gates on His way to Golgotha. Jeers replaced cheers and He heard curses instead of benedictions. Yet He knew coming in that this was how He would be going out — and He chose to do so willingly, in joyful obedience to His Father’s will.
He faced the yawning gate of the grave so that He might rescue us from eternal death. He carried our sins to the cross, putting our old selves to death in Baptism and raising us up as new creatures.
He calls us to continue forward through this life, faithful to Him and steadfast in our vocations. We walk through many gates along the way until, finally, the door of the grave opens before us. Yet this is truly the “gate of the Lord,” for through it the righteous enter paradise. He who leads us through life will also lead us through death and into life everlasting.
Text: Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it.
I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We bless you from the house of the Lord.
The Lord is God, and he has made his light to shine upon us.
Bind the festal sacrifice with cords, up to the horns of the altar!
You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 118:19-29)
Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Audio: Click to hear the MP3 of The Gate of the Lord.
NB: For some reason, a few people have had problems trying to play the inline audio if Windows Media is their default MP3 player. If this occurs, you can either change to QuickTime or another default browser player, copy and paste the link directly into a selected player, or download it to your computer, where it seems to work regardless of which player. Several folks have suggested VLC Player from VideoLAN.
Other Readings: John 12:12-19 (Palm Sunday Procession); Psalm 31:9-16 (Alternate); Isaiah 50:4-9a; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew (26:1-27:10) 27:11-66; John 12:20-43 (Alternate Gospel)
See Aardvark Alley for more on Palm Sunday.
Tags: Sunday of the Passion | Palm Sunday | Holy Week | Three Year Lectionary | 3 Year Lectionary | Series A | theology | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Christ | Gospel | Law and Gospel | Law | God | Lord | gates | righteousness | life | death | grave | resurrection | paradise | eternal life | vocation | Baptism | Absolution | Communion | 13 April 2014 | April 13, 2014 | Lutheranism | Lutheran | Church | Christian | Christianity | Christian Church | Psalm 118 | sermon | preaching | homily | text | theme | topic | The Gate of the Lord | audio | mp3 | Pastor Snyder | Pastor Walter Snyder | Walter Snyder | Ask the Pastor | Happenings
The Sunday of the Passion
Title: The Gate of the Lord (MP3 Audio)

In a few short days, He would be walking out another of Jerusalem’s gates on His way to Golgotha. Jeers replaced cheers and He heard curses instead of benedictions. Yet He knew coming in that this was how He would be going out — and He chose to do so willingly, in joyful obedience to His Father’s will.
He faced the yawning gate of the grave so that He might rescue us from eternal death. He carried our sins to the cross, putting our old selves to death in Baptism and raising us up as new creatures.
He calls us to continue forward through this life, faithful to Him and steadfast in our vocations. We walk through many gates along the way until, finally, the door of the grave opens before us. Yet this is truly the “gate of the Lord,” for through it the righteous enter paradise. He who leads us through life will also lead us through death and into life everlasting.

I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We bless you from the house of the Lord.
The Lord is God, and he has made his light to shine upon us.
Bind the festal sacrifice with cords, up to the horns of the altar!
You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 118:19-29)
Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Audio: Click to hear the MP3 of The Gate of the Lord.
NB: For some reason, a few people have had problems trying to play the inline audio if Windows Media is their default MP3 player. If this occurs, you can either change to QuickTime or another default browser player, copy and paste the link directly into a selected player, or download it to your computer, where it seems to work regardless of which player. Several folks have suggested VLC Player from VideoLAN.
Other Readings: John 12:12-19 (Palm Sunday Procession); Psalm 31:9-16 (Alternate); Isaiah 50:4-9a; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew (26:1-27:10) 27:11-66; John 12:20-43 (Alternate Gospel)
See Aardvark Alley for more on Palm Sunday.
Tags: Sunday of the Passion | Palm Sunday | Holy Week | Three Year Lectionary | 3 Year Lectionary | Series A | theology | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Christ | Gospel | Law and Gospel | Law | God | Lord | gates | righteousness | life | death | grave | resurrection | paradise | eternal life | vocation | Baptism | Absolution | Communion | 13 April 2014 | April 13, 2014 | Lutheranism | Lutheran | Church | Christian | Christianity | Christian Church | Psalm 118 | sermon | preaching | homily | text | theme | topic | The Gate of the Lord | audio | mp3 | Pastor Snyder | Pastor Walter Snyder | Walter Snyder | Ask the Pastor | Happenings
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