Chapel Sermon: Follow Your Head
1 May AD 2013
Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles
Theme: Follow Your Head (MP3 Audio)
Summary: “Where are we headed?” As the head is turned, so follows the body. Many of our troubles arise when we follow our own heads or hearts. Eventually, such willfulness leads to death and damnation.
What a blessing it is to have Christ as our head! He never leads us where we should not be. Every blessing belonging to Him belongs also to His body — that is us, the Christian Church. Forgiven by Him and guided by His heavenly wisdom, we are freed to also use our earthly intellect and emotions as we follow where He leads.
Text: And [God] put all things under [Christ’s] feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Ephesians 1:22-23
Hymn of the Day: Here are the introductory stanza and that for May of O Heavenly Wisdom Come to Earth, which I wrote for this academic year at SPLHS:
Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Audio: Click to hear MP3 of Follow Your Head, preached at Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia, Missouri.
About the Service and the School: The theme for the 2012 – 13 academic year at St. Paul Lutheran High School is Made Wise in Christ, taken from Colossians 2:2-10. Under this theme are monthly emphases and weekly foci. May’s emphasis is “Fullness in Christ” and the week’s focus is “Wise in Christ — Headed by Him.” Time is at a premium for the SPLHS chapels, so I tried to make a few quick, concise Law applications both to students and to teachers and to bring the Gospel’s forgiveness and Christ’s encouragement to each.
While certainly a Lutheran educational institution, St. Paul is also a mission field. Not only does it admit academically qualified Lutherans, the school also welcomes a number of other Christians as well as non-Christians — even some atheists. A high percentage of students come from other lands, so chapel speakers must tailor their messages age-appropriately while remaining mindful of those unskilled with English, uncomfortable with Christianity, or both. Present this day were American students and those born in Slovakia, Norway, China, Madagascar, Japan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and elsewhere.
Note on Playback: For some reason, a few people have had problems trying to play the inline audio if Windows Media is their default MP3 player. If this occurs, you can either change to QuickTime or another default browser player, copy and paste the link directly into a selected player, or download it to your computer, where it seems to work regardless of which player. Several folks have suggested VLC Player from VideoLAN.
Tags: Saint Philip and Saint John Apostles | Concordia, Missouri | Saint Paul Lutheran High School | St. Paul Lutheran High School | SPLHS | theology | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Christ | head | body | guidance | forgiveness | salvation | damnation | Law and Gospel | Law | Gospel | 1 May 2013 | May 1, 2013 | Lutheranism | Lutheran | Church | Christian | Christianity | Christian Church | Ephesians 1 | sermon | preaching | homily | text | theme | topic | Follow Your Head | audio | mp3 | Pastor Snyder | Pastor Walter Snyder | Walter Snyder | Ask the Pastor | Happenings
Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles
Theme: Follow Your Head (MP3 Audio)

What a blessing it is to have Christ as our head! He never leads us where we should not be. Every blessing belonging to Him belongs also to His body — that is us, the Christian Church. Forgiven by Him and guided by His heavenly wisdom, we are freed to also use our earthly intellect and emotions as we follow where He leads.
Text: And [God] put all things under [Christ’s] feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Ephesians 1:22-23
Hymn of the Day: Here are the introductory stanza and that for May of O Heavenly Wisdom Come to Earth, which I wrote for this academic year at SPLHS:
- O heav’nly Wisdom come to Earth,
O Christ, You Child of virgin birth,
We pray that You would make us wise
That we might learn Your love to prize.
Our lives complete while yet we live,
Your gifts to us You freely give.
Your Spirit knits Your Church in faith
And makes us vessels of Your grace.
Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Audio: Click to hear MP3 of Follow Your Head, preached at Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia, Missouri.
About the Service and the School: The theme for the 2012 – 13 academic year at St. Paul Lutheran High School is Made Wise in Christ, taken from Colossians 2:2-10. Under this theme are monthly emphases and weekly foci. May’s emphasis is “Fullness in Christ” and the week’s focus is “Wise in Christ — Headed by Him.” Time is at a premium for the SPLHS chapels, so I tried to make a few quick, concise Law applications both to students and to teachers and to bring the Gospel’s forgiveness and Christ’s encouragement to each.
While certainly a Lutheran educational institution, St. Paul is also a mission field. Not only does it admit academically qualified Lutherans, the school also welcomes a number of other Christians as well as non-Christians — even some atheists. A high percentage of students come from other lands, so chapel speakers must tailor their messages age-appropriately while remaining mindful of those unskilled with English, uncomfortable with Christianity, or both. Present this day were American students and those born in Slovakia, Norway, China, Madagascar, Japan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and elsewhere.
Note on Playback: For some reason, a few people have had problems trying to play the inline audio if Windows Media is their default MP3 player. If this occurs, you can either change to QuickTime or another default browser player, copy and paste the link directly into a selected player, or download it to your computer, where it seems to work regardless of which player. Several folks have suggested VLC Player from VideoLAN.
Tags: Saint Philip and Saint John Apostles | Concordia, Missouri | Saint Paul Lutheran High School | St. Paul Lutheran High School | SPLHS | theology | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Christ | head | body | guidance | forgiveness | salvation | damnation | Law and Gospel | Law | Gospel | 1 May 2013 | May 1, 2013 | Lutheranism | Lutheran | Church | Christian | Christianity | Christian Church | Ephesians 1 | sermon | preaching | homily | text | theme | topic | Follow Your Head | audio | mp3 | Pastor Snyder | Pastor Walter Snyder | Walter Snyder | Ask the Pastor | Happenings
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